Sunday, October 7, 2012

Little Ones

I wanted to introduce you to the WISE preparatory students today! If anyone did not know I not only teach the college students at WISE, but I also teach Monday through Friday to three and four-year-olds.  This preschool was started by WISE to serve the children and families in the community; and most of all to share Jesus to the little children. It is a half-day preschool from 8:30 to 11:30.  Amanda Wurdeman is a head teacher along with myself and we have an assistant, Mrs. Marshall, who is from  St. Vincent.

While God teaches us patience everyday with the kids, particularly those who like to climb and crawl on the tables...we are also filled with joy being able to watch them learn.  They love to sing and Amanda has taught them songs like "Jesus Loves Me" and "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands."  It's a blessing to hear them sing these songs throughout the day to themselves.  We say a prayer before snack time everyday and their favorite part is to shout "AMEN!" 

We are working on teaching them letters (ABCs), numbers, colors, shapes and more. Some of their favorite things are playing with play dough, stacking/sorting blocks, playing with toy trucks, and playing outside. As of now we have 7 boys and 3 girls.

We ask that you will be praying for the preschool, for the children and their families. In St. Vincent preschools have to be certified by the Ministry of Education.  One of my earlier posts discussed our first meeting with the Ministry.  At that time she did not certify us and gave us some suggestions on things to change in our preschool.  However, she said we could still open but we would need to contact her later for her to come by and finish the certification process. Last week we contacted the Ministry of Education to set up another appointment. They explained they will perform a "surprise" visit.  Therefore we do not know when the investigator will come.  We are ready to complete the certification process so we do not have to worry about it any longer.  We ask that you pray the investigator will treat us fairly even though we are an "American run" preschool.  That she will see we are teaching the children daily and providing them with appropriate learning and play materials.

Here are some pics of out little ones!
Having fun during craft time!

 Here is a video of some of the students at snack time.
We charge a minimal fee for the preschool (approximately $11/month) because many of their families do not have a lot of money and are living in homes without electricity or indoor plumbing.  If you would like to help sponsor one of our preschoolers please contact me at and I will be happy to answer any questions you may have! Your sponsorship would help go towards the daily cost of the preschool, children's uniforms, snacks, school supplies, etc. 

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